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O nouă descoperire monetară de tip geto-dacic în Dobrogea / A New Geto-Dacian Coin Found in Dobroudja

  • Numismatică antică şi bizantină (Ancient and Byzantine Numismatics)  Articolele semnate de autor
Limba de redactare română
Excerpt The author presents a coin kept in a private collection and has been discovered in the Northern part of the Dobrudjan territory. It belongs to the Dumbrăveni type, as well as some other Geto-Dacian issues found in the area. Taking in account the rarity of these finds, they are very important for this analysis and for their introduction in the history literature. The discovery comes to emphasize the idea that the Geto-Dacian issues passed the Danube's „turnpike" in the late II - I century BC.
Paginaţia 75-77
Descarcă fişierul
Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Cercetări Numismatice: CN; XII-XIII; anul 2006-2007; seria 2006-2007
    • Cercetări Numismatice: CN; XII-XIII; anul 2006-2007; seria 2006-2007
    • Intră pe volum