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Unele remarci cu privire la exploatarea şi comercializarea sării în Transilvania, în secolele XI-XIII, pe baza documentelor de epocă / Some Remarks Concerning the Exploitation and Trading of Salt in Transylvania During the 11th and 13th centuries

Limba de redactare engleză
Excerpt In the present paper we would like to present some aspects regarding the exploitation of salt and its trading routes in 11th-13th centuries Transylvania. If on mines, mining and ore exploitation techniques in general we have numerous documents and works from a very early date, on the salt mines of Transylvania and especially on the extraction method used in them, the documents start only much later in the 14th-15th centuries. Thus we have to rely on the few written documents regarding the trading routes and the means of transport and, of course, on the coin hoards found in Transylvania, the one which can be dated to the 11th-13th centuries being especially important for our subject.
Paginaţia 209-228
Descarcă fişierul
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  • Cercetări Numismatice: CN; XII-XIII; anul 2006-2007; seria 2006-2007
    • Cercetări Numismatice: CN; XII-XIII; anul 2006-2007; seria 2006-2007
    • Intră pe volum